Access Information

施設 - Venue

住所: 八王子市狭間町1453番地1
TEL: 042-662-4880
ESFORTA ARENA HACHIOJI (Hachioji-City General Gymnasium)
Hazama-machi 1453 -1, Hachioji, Tokyo
TEL: 042-662-4880

アクセス - Access

電車: 京王線 狭間駅 1分
車: 圏央道高尾山ICより8分(約4km)
By Train: One minute from Hazama Station on the Keio Line
By Car: 8 min (about 4km) from Takaozan IC on the Ken-O Expressway
Please be advised that there are limited number of parking around the venue. Access by public transportation is recommended.